Access you Jira tickets with a single click from you menu bar!

This menu bar application streamlines your Jira interactions, making it easier to manage your tasks. You can create customized views to swiftly access issues from various projects, statuses, or any other category you prefer.

For instance, you can set up a tab for issues assigned to you, another for the issues you've created, enabling you to monitor their progress. Additionally, you can create a dedicated tab for managing project backlogs, whether it's for a single project or multiple projects.create on tab for issues assigned to you, another one for created issues, to follow their progress. And another one for a backlog of a project (or even multiple projects).

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a JQL Query

  1. Log In and Access the Search Interface:

    Sign into your JIRA Cloud account. Click on “Issues and filters” in the left sidebar or select “Search for issues” in the dropdown if you are in a different section.

  2. In the search interface, you might see the basic search options by default. Look for a switch or link to Advanced Search and click it. This will open the JQL search interface.

  3. Begin Crafting Your Query:

    You’ll see a text field where you can enter your JQL query.

  4. Understand Basic Syntax:

    JQL queries are structured as field operator value. For example, status = "Open".

    • field refers to the issue attribute (like status, summary, assignee).
    • operator is how you want to compare the field (e.g., =, !=, >, <).
    • value is what you are comparing the field to (like a specific status name, a user, etc.).
  5. Use Logical Operators for Complex Queries:

    Combine different criteria using operators like AND, OR, and NOT. E.g., project = "MYPROJECT" AND status = "Open".

  6. Leverage Functions and Keywords:

    JIRA Cloud also supports various functions like currentUser() or dates like startOfDay().

  7. Execute the Query:

    After typing your query, run it by either pressing Enter or clicking the Search button.

  8. Refine Your Query as Needed:

    Based on the results, you might want to refine or adjust your query.

  9. Use created query in GojiBar

    Copy the query and paste it under Preferences -> Tabs in GojiBar.

Example JQL Queries

Find issues assigned to you in a specific project:

project = "MYPROJECT" AND assignee = currentUser()

Search for recently updated high-priority issues:

priority = High AND updated >= -1w

Issues reported by you that are still open:

reporter = currentUser() AND status != Closed

Native MacOS menubar application to show Jira issues in your menu bar:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 8 49 39 PM


Download and install the latest release. Then start the application, open preferences and setup your jira host, credentials and a query:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 8 51 13 PM

With this app you’ll be able to quickly access github’s pull requests, issues and repositories of any organization you’re part of.

Ideal for:

  • Developers seeking a more integrated GitHub experience on their macOS.
  • Project managers who need to keep track of multiple GitHub organizations simultaneously.
  • GitHub power users wanting to optimize their workflow.
  • Contributors to open-source projects who need to stay updated on various repositories.


  • simple setup - just generate an access token and paste it in the app.
  • built in SwiftUI, for better performance, theming and integration with macOS.
  • for pull requests you can setup:
    • what type of pull requests to view: review requested, assigned and/or created.
    • status checks - is a code quality feature of GitHub’s pull requests, which is based on external processes, like CI pipeline. There are two types of status checks: check and commit status. OctoSpace supports both of them.
  • for issues you can setup:
    • what type of issue to view: assigned, created and/or mentioned.

Upcoming features

  • add search to the repositories view
  • add github projects view
  • improve issues view to include information about projects, related to the issue
  • add team members view
  • suggest your feature

If you liked the app, please leave a review. In case you didn’t like it, please submit an issue, I’ll be happy to fix bugs, implement missing functionalities or work on new features.

You GitHub companion one click away!


  • simple setup - just generate an access token and paste it in the app.
  • built in SwiftUI, for better performance, theming and integration with macOS.

If you liked the app, please leave a review. In case you didn’t like it, please submit an issue, I’ll be happy to fix bugs, implement missing functionalities or work on new features.


GitHub all releases GitHub top language GitHub release (with filter)

Download on the Mac App Store Download on the GitHub Releases tap: menubar-apps/menubar-apps pullbar

Native MacOS menubar application to show GitHub Pull Requests in your menu bar! Keep track of created, assigned and review requested Pull Requests:

Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 9 06 36 PM


  • shows assigned, created and review requested pull requests;
  • for each pull request shows title, number, project, author, number of approvals, number of added/deleted lines and how long ago this PR was created:


  • show check suites or check runs information with links to the correstponding builds.


There are 3 ways of installing the application:

  • Mac App Store
  • Homebrew:
     brew tap menubar-apps/menubar-apps
     brew install pullbar
  • Download from github releases

Easily stay in the loop with your GitHub pull requests using PullBarPro. This macOS menu bar application provides convenient access to real-time updates on your pull requests. With PullBarPro, you'll have a quick access to Pull Requests which you have to review, or follow the progress of created or assigned Pull Requests.


Pull Request Details

For each PR, view the title, repository, PR number, author's name, and optionally the author's avatar. Also available are the number of reviews, number of additions and deletions, and optionally, the status checks.


You can enable up to three tabs with saved searches for assigned, created and review requested PRs. The blue dot on the tab indicates that there are unseen changes in some PRs of this type.

Keyboard Support

You can assign a keyboard shortcut to toggle the app. Additionally, while the app is open, you can switch between tabs using ⌘cmd + 1 through ⌘cmd + 3, depending on the number of enabled tabs.

Build: Checks

Status checks is a code quality feature of GitHub's pull requests, which is based on external processes, like CI pipeline. There are two types of status checks: check and commit status. PullBar supports both of them.

Build: Commit Status

Status checks is a code quality feature of GitHub's pull requests, which is based on external processes, like CI pipeline. There are two types of status checks: check and commit status. PullBar supports both of them.


For each pull request you can find number of approvals, comments or change requests, with the reviewer's name and a direct link to the corresponding review.

Native macOS application to show the GitHub contribution chart in your menu bar!

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 9 52 13 PM


Highly customizable: choose a day or a week view, color theme, transparency of empty days, borders:

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 10 17 57 PM


  • Homebrew:
    brew tap menubar-apps/menubar-apps
    brew install streakbar
  • Download from github releases

A native macOS menubar application for app developers, designed to swiftly show download statistics for apps listed on App Store.

Super simple and straightforward todo list app. Just create an item, mark it done and then delete. That’s it!

Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 1 22 47 PM


  • create new, mark done and delete a todo item
  • no cloud sync across devices
  • no search, no tags, no editing, no export, no reordering
  • not even a preference window!


There are 3 ways of installing the application:

  • Mac App Store
  • Homebrew:
     brew tap menubar-apps/menubar-apps
     brew install todobar
  • Download from github releases

Native macOS application to show people, who are currently not on Earth 😬

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 6 21 48 PM